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    School fees and other charges

    Please find below information on our school fees, other charges (eg trips, Kim Club, music tuition), methods of payment and the assistance that we offer in the form of scholarships and bursaries.

    Fees enquiries

    Deputy Bursar

    01480 862221


    Fees 2024-2025

      Termly Fee
    (tuition and lunch, plus boarding where appropriate, paid by termly Direct Debit) (£)
    Annual Fee
    Lower Prep School 4 425 13 275
    Upper Prep School 5 745 17 235
    Senior School - Day 7 035 21 105
    Senior School - Full Boarding* 11 930 35 790
    Senior School - Weekly Boarding* 11 190 33 570
    Senior School - Boarding - 4 nights 10 360 31 080
    Senior School - Boarding - 3 nights 9 530 28 590
    Senior School - Boarding - 2 nights 8 700 26 100

    * Full Boarding is charged for pupils wishing to board for 6 or 7 nights each week and includes boarders' weekend activity charges; our Weekly Boarding option is available for pupils wishing to board for 5 nights each week and includes a free bus pass. Boarding for fewer than 5 nights does not attract complimentary bus travel. For Occasional Boarding see our 'Other Charges' below.  Boarding fees for pupils under the age of 16 may be paid using childcare vouchers (issued by and arranged through employers).

    Our fees include lunches (taken by all pupils), books and some public examination fees but exclude trips and visits. You will also be charged for any extras incurred including some clubs and societies, optional individual musical instrument tuition, academic support, use of the bus service, insurances, occasional boarding, additional meals and out-of-hours care.  Please note that all fees and charges quoted are currently exclusive of any government taxes, levies or VAT, which may be added if applicable.

    iPads: Senior School pupils require an iPad that meets our minimum specification; full details of how we use, manage and support these, including details of our lease-buy scheme, can be found here.  Prep School pupils do not need personal devices as they have access to a class set of iPads for use when necessary. 

    We give a 2% discount off net standard fees if you pay in full by Direct Debit on the designated direct debit date before the start of term. The post-discount figures are shown in the table above. If you choose to pay by any other method, including monthly direct debit instalments (four per term), you will not qualify for this discount.  (Net standard fees comprise tuition fees less any sibling discounts, scholarship fee reductions or bursary grants, plus termly/weekly boarding costs).

    We give a sibling discount of 2.5% of the net tuition fees for all siblings where two or more siblings attend at the same time.  (Net tuition fees are tuition fees less any scholarship fee reductions or bursary grants).

    Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA). We welcome Armed Forces, MOD and Diplomatic Service families and have a number of them represented in our boarding houses. We offer a discount of 10% of net boarding fees after CEA, and before any applicable taxes or levies.

    Please read our fees and charges in conjunction with our parent contract on our Policies page.

    Other Charges 2024-2025

    Please find details of our additional charges below.


      Per Term (£) Per Year (£)
    Pupils Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - including emergency dental cover (compulsory) 7.00 21.00
    Fees Refund Scheme (opt-in) 1.55% of net tuition fees (and boarding fees where applicable)

    Optional Individual and Group Music Tuition (per instrument) 

      Per Term (£) Per Year (£)
    Prep School 280 840
    Senior School 370 1 110
    Music Instrument Hire 50 150
    Lower Prep - Stringlets 140 420
    Lower Prep - Ministrings 140 420

    Lessons may only be stopped at the end of a term. Notice to discontinue lessons must be given in writing (which includes e-mail) to the Music School office by the beginning of the half term holiday of the term at the end of which you wish the lessons to cease.  Notice given any later than this will be deemed to apply to the following term. The same terms of notice apply when a pupil changes instrument or teacher. No refunds are granted for non-attendance due to pupil illness or injury.

    Academic Support

      Per hour (£)
    Initial Assessment Free
    Further Assessment 53
    Group Lessons and 1-1 Support in Class - Prep School 26
    Group Lessons and 1-1 Support in Class - Senior School 29
    Individual Lessons - Prep School 53
    Individual Lessons - Senior School 59

    Academic Support Lessons are delivered in partial or full timetable periods (3 x 15, 2 x 20, 1 x 25, 1 x 50 minutes per lesson).  Charging is based on the number of lessons attended x number of minutes x relevant hourly rate. No refunds are granted for non-attendance due to pupil illness or injury.

    Whole Year Group Residential Trips

      Per Child (£)
    First Form Residential (Autumn Term) 290
    Third Form WWI Battlefields Trip (Autumn Term) 358

    These trips are normally attended by the entire year.  The costs are payable in advance and will be added to your Autumn Term invoice which will be payable in early September.

    Flexi and Occasional Boarding* (Senior School only) 

    Per Night (£)
    First night in any week 80
    Second and subsequent nights 75

    Occasional boarding is charged for ad-hoc use of the boarding houses.  Regular boarding is charged at the boarding rates in the top table. We reserve the right to charge a regular boarding rate if a regular pattern of boarding becomes evident.  Two to five night boarders spending additional ad-hoc nights will be charged at the lower rate above.

    *Boarding fees for pupils under the age of 16 may be paid using childcare vouchers (issued by and arranged through employers).

    Kim Club** (Prep School Before and After School Care) 

      Per Session (£)
    Breakfast session, from 7.30am 9.80
    4pm-5pm (Reception - Year 2) 8.40
    4pm-6pm (Reception - Year 2) 14.00
    5pm-6pm (Year 3 - Year 6) 8.40

    **Kim Club fees may be paid using childcare vouchers (issued by and arranged through employers).  Kim Club can be booked online on a  termly or ad hoc basis.

    Occasional meals (Senior School only) 

      Per meal (£)
    Breakfast 5.30
    Evening meal 5.30

    Day pupils may join the boarders for weekday breakfasts (8 am) or dinner (6 pm) subject to 24 hours notice. Passes for these meals are available from the Bursary or may be booked using this form. The costs will be added to your end of term account.

    There will be occasions when your child is expected to stay for an evening meal (eg. for the Senior House Music Competition) for which no charge will be made.

    Miscellaneous charges

      Per Year
    Kimbolton School Parents' Association membership fee 
    (added to your Spring bill)
    £20 per family
    The Kimboltonian (Senior School magazine - distributed to all families in Autumn Term, Senior families only in Summer Term)
    (added to your Spring and Autumn bills respectively)
    £18 per copy
    per family
    The Kim Prep Press (Prep School magazine - distributed to Prep families in Autumn Term)
    (added to your Spring bill)
    £18 per family


      Per Child (£)
    Initial Registration Fee (non-refundable) - UK/EU national 100
    Initial Registration Fee (non-refundable) - Non-UK/EU national 150
    Deposit - UK/EU national - Day or Boarding - admission in academic year 2024-25  600
    Deposit - Non-UK/EU national - Day 1 000
    Deposit - Non-UK/EU national - Boarding - admission in academic year 2024-25  6 000

    The deposit is payable when you accept our offer of a place. For those entering in September, this will usually be in the previous February.
    The UK/EU national fee and deposit will apply where either parent or the child holds UK or EU nationality. In all other cases, the non-EU national rates will apply.
    The deposit may be paid via credit/debit card or bank transfer - see this page for details.
    The deposit is refundable on request after the leaver's bill has been settled; the Parent Contract refers.