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    Our Vision, Values & Ethos

    Our Vision

    Kimbolton School aims to deliver an outstanding, modern all-round education that challenges girls and boys to become curious, courageous and kind young adults, able to make a difference to the world.

    Our Values






    Our Ethos

    Kimbolton School is a collaborative, supportive and inspiring place to grow up, study and work. A sense of being a family in one school is important to us. Kindness is our key value and pupils always come first. We know each one well as an individual and tailor our support for their intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional and social growth at every stage so that they leave with the quiet confidence to follow their own paths.

    Kimboltonians work hard, value personal responsibility and are happy to take risks. The atmosphere every day is informed by those family traits of empathy, service, a lack of pretension, a sense of humour, and respect for the perspectives of others – whatever their background or beliefs. In helping each child achieve their personal best, academic ambition comes first. Good staff are our most valuable assets, whatever their role, and it is important to us that they can also flourish here. We are fortunate to benefit from a site of great natural beauty and history and are proud of our school’s heritage and traditions. Yet we strive to marry them with innovation and an outward perspective so that pupils understand how to look after them and can appreciate the world both inside and beyond the school. We value the various communities of which we are part, not least former pupils and parents, and take our responsibilities to the local area, the nation and the planet seriously. We are an inclusive community, where children thrive in and out of the classroom because they are happy.


    Kimbolton School in Cambridgeshire