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    In the Lower Prep, all pupils are members of Aragon House (which is also the name of the Lower Prep building).  Class teachers are responsible for the well-being of their pupils and are the first point of contact for parents.

    In the Upper Prep, the class teacher remains key to the pastoral care of each child.   Pupils belong to classes, but also to one of the four houses (Fitzpiers, Montagu, Stafford and Wingfield) which span the year groups.  The houses provide an added dimension to the children's sense of community as well as being the focus of a wide variety of sporting, academic and other competitions.

    Ingrams is the Senior School's junior house.  Our First and Second Formers all belong to Ingrams which provides a comfortable 'stepping-stone' between the Prep School, or their primary schools, and membership of one of the four senior houses.  As well as taking part in some whole school events, Ingrams has its own assemblies, house competition and so on.  In Ingrams, form tutors look after the pupils in their classes and are the key link between school and home.

    From the Third Form onwards, pupils join one of our four senior houses: Balyes, Dawsons, Gibbards and Owens. They are taught in classes comprising children from all of the houses but are placed in smaller tutor groups alongside others from their house for matters such as registration.  This way, each of our pupils meets their tutor on a daily basis as well as for a longer period twice a week. Small tutor groups mean that our tutors get to know their tutees well and are in an excellent position to provide advice on everything from study techniques and subject choices to how to deal with upsets or misunderstandings.