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    Prep Pupils Bury Time Capsule

    Children hide a little bit of history as construction work continues.

    Pupils today buried a time capsule to mark the development and refurbishment of the Prep School buildings. School Council members from Years 3 to 6 joined SDC contractor Richard to hide the time capsule in the new entrance atrium, which links Aragon House (Reception to Year 2) with the main Prep classrooms.

    Grace, Kian, Michael, Ayla, Stanley, Tiggy, Yannick and Ella all looked on as the capsule was carefully placed inside the roof of the new 6-foot high building. The tightly-sealed container included class photos, snaps of Forest School activities, a collage of reception pupils’ handprints, a Kimbolton blazer, a recent newspaper, and pictures of typical 21st century food, clothes and transport. It is hoped that this record of the Prep will give future generations an insight into current school life.

    Year 3 teacher Mrs Cathy Bridgeford said: “All of the pupils have enjoyed the time capsule project and the chance to record their own little piece of history. It has really got them thinking about how people in years to come will view our lives today.”

    The extensive refurbishment of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms over the Summer holiday has created brighter and more spacious learning areas for our youngest pupils. Work to expand the Lower Prep playground and fit out the link building is on schedule to finish in February 2020.