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    Kimbolton School celebrates National Poetry Day with poetry, magic, and Haikus

    Today, Kimbolton School joined schools across the country in celebrating National Poetry Day, with a range of exciting activities for both the Prep and Senior Schools.

    At the Prep, renowned poet and performer Nick Toczek hosted a lively whole school assembly, bringing poetry to life with his unique mix of magic, humour, and engaging verses. The children were captivated as Nick turned two balls into a dice, shared zany jokes, and invited them to join in reciting poetry. His playful approach made the art of poetry accessible and fun, inspiring the pupils to see poetry in a new light. Following the assembly, Nick led workshops with each year group, from Reception to Year 6, helping them explore the creative process of writing their own poems.

    The Senior School marked National Poetry Day with a mathematical twist. The Maths Department launched a Haiku competition, challenging students to write a Haiku that helps explain a mathematical concept. The competition is open to students from Ingrams, Middles, and Sixth Form, and even the Maths teachers are getting involved! Judged by the students, the competition promises to combine creativity with academic insight, and we will be sharing the entries and announcing the winners shortly.

    This year’s theme, "Counting," was a perfect fit for the maths-themed Haikus. Winners will receive a special prize—a mechanical pencil—to inspire even more creative mathematical thinking!

    Kimbolton School is proud to celebrate the power of poetry to inspire learning across all subjects. Keep an eye on our social media for a reel of today’s assembly and more updates on our Haiku competition.