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    My summer at Raleigh: By Lili S.

    This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Senior Leadership Course at HMS Raleigh. The week-long course was packed with exciting activities that challenged me both physically and mentally.

    This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Senior Leadership Course at HMS Raleigh. The week-long course was packed with exciting activities that challenged me both physically and mentally.

    One of the highlights was the obstacle course, which put my endurance and teamwork to the test. From scaling walls to crawling through tunnels, the course was both demanding and exhilarating. If the dry obstacle course wasn’t enough, the wet assault course took challenges to another level. We crawled through muddy tunnels, scaled curved walls, and climbed netting all in sobbing wet ‘builder outfits’ (yes, boots, hats and all).

    In addition to the physical challenges, we also had the opportunity to learn about the Royal Navy's operations. At the DRIU (Damage Repair Instructional Unit), this was my all-time favourite, we participated in a simulated sinking ship scenario, working together to repair the damage and prevent the vessel from going under. This whole course was all based on developing leadership skills which are diQicult enough without the added pressure (literally) of jets of water being sprayed in your face.

    To balance the more demanding activities, we also had some fun and team-building exercises. One of my favourites was the rounders game, where we competed against each other in a friendly match (although there was an internal competition, don’t worry, my team won). It was a great way to relax and bond with my new friends.

    Overall, my experience at HMS Raleigh was truly unforgettable. The course not only helped me develop leadership skills but also allowed me to make new friends and step out of my comfort zone (especially on the obstacle course). Additionally, I can now polish a set of boots to military standards, I’ve learnt to iron with a shower, and how to formally ‘bimble’ around.